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CXv Bib kacw

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2011
Views: 13345

The war of thoughts.
s]s-tmkvXp t\Xm--msc Ah-tl-fn-m tPW {ian-p--Xmbn ]tcm--amb kqN-\-I-tfmsS Nne ]{X-hm-I Ip. sF. ]n. kn. tv sk{I-dn ]m ^nen-v. ]n. tXma-kns\ eyw shm-W-s{X tPW- Xnc-s-Spp kt sNbvXn-cn-p--Xv. At-l-ns Pbtam tXmhntbm R-fpsS AP--b. k`-I-fpsS t\Xr-m-\v Bcv Fn-tcpw F ]cn-anX km[y-X-I D]-tbm-Kn-p \nco--W- tPW CXn-\p-appw \S-n-bn-p-v. Ah-sbmpw sXp]m IWn-i-X-bn Fn-t-cp-sa \nK-a-\hpw Rġn-. Fm X-fp-tS-Xmb Ipd-hp-I Isn kzbw Xncp-m CXv t\Xm--mv kml-Ncyw Df-hm-p-p.

]m ^nen-v. ]n. tXmakv Ign k`m sXc-s-Sp-p-Im-ev aptm-p-sh AP--Isf Ah sF. ]n. knbvpw AXp-hgn s]s-tmkvXv kaq-l-n\pw KpW-I-c-am-sWv Iv R ]nXp-W-n-p-v. AXn Atlw F{X-Iv hnPbw ssIh-cn-p-shpw \ne-]m-Sp-I-fn amw Dmtbmsbpw Atlw Xs ]cn-tim-[n-t hnj-b--fmWv. Xm {]N-cn-n Bi-b--fnepw ImgvN-m-Sp-I-fnepw AtX BZi ipn \ne-\nn-smv Atlw Ctmgpw XpS-cp-s-n Fn\v tPW-ens CXp-hsc \nK-a-\-n Fm sXc-s-Spp kt ^ew X\np hn]-co-X-am-hp-sav ap hn[n-tbm-Sp-IqsS honv `b-s-S-Ww? ]mc-cy tNcn-bpsS t\Xm-hmbn Adn-b-s-Sp Ctlw s]s-tm-kvXnse \ho\ Bi-b--tfmSv tNp-t]m-Ip--h-cp-ambn Ie-lnv D]-tZi kwc-W kanXn cq]o-I-cn-n-cp-p. Ctm B kanXn \ne-\n¡p-ptm? Ds-n AXns Dti ey-ġv hn]-coX Zni-bn \n¡p kzw {]m-\-n-ep Bfp-Ifpambn Hcp kn cq]-s-Sp-n-b-Xmbn tIġpp. CXns kXym-hm t_m[y-s-Sp-m Atlw Xm-dm-I-s.

t\Xr-am--s-p-dnv BZy-ambn \nco-Ww \S-p ]{Xw tPW-e-. apv kzob [z\n-bn G. Pnbnse t\Xr-am--s-p-dnv hm-I \Ip-Ibpw tXmhn-`-b Hcp G. Pn. t\Xmhv ]{Xm[n-]sc ssItw sNp-Ibpw sNbvXn-p-v. Av ]cm-P-bs t]Snv {]tIm-]\w kyjvSn t\Xm-hns am\-knImh--bn-tev ]m ^nen-v. ]n. tXma-kn-s\-tmse ]Iz-a-Xn-bmb Hcm Xmtgm-p-t]m-Ip-sav R Icp-Xp-n-. CXv At-l-ns klm-bn-I-fmbn \Sn-bvbpw ]c-tm-ambn t{Zmlo-p-Ibpw sNp Bscm-stbm {]N-cn-n-p hm-I-fm-Wv. sF. ]n. knbnse Ctm-gp t\Xr-Xz-n Nne \-h-sctm Nne tami-satm tPW-en\v A`n-{]m-b-an-. adnv KpW- tZm-j--fn Hmtcm t\Xm--mpw Ah-cp-sS-Xmb sshhnyw Dsv am{Xw. AXp-sImv Adn-bp-I. Bsc GXv m\v Fp-Xpw Rġp hnj-b-a-. Fm AXns hmm {]m[m\yw Ipd-p-Im-Wm Ign-bp-I-bp-an-.


Displaying 6 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
a. s. mathew (August 27, 2011)
Thank you so much brother John.
john (August 27, 2011)
That includes me, Mr. AS Mathew.
a. s. mathew (August 26, 2011)
Brother James, thank you for your compliments in response to my comment, which gives me great motivation to write more. God bless you. I have failed to thank some other people earlier for their compliments about my comments for which I do ask them my apology.
joy, abu dhabi (August 25, 2011)
samkutty, your editorial beat is look good. i can see you are verry honest. i am a regular beljourn reader. i know you are fare for all denominaion leaders. god bless you.
james, canada (August 25, 2011)
I absolutely agreed with Bro. a.s. mathew's commend. In my word I use it is very sad to say that some of these pentecostal pastors have a minute sprit of Sadam, Idi Amin and Gaddafi.
a.s.mathew (August 25, 2011)
When the believers were not rich in the olden days, there was more spiritual strength and love in between the believers and the Pastors. Now, the whole atmosphere has changed to the opposite direction; so less love and the role of the holy spirit is almost irrelevant. When this diplorable and tragic situation is openly criticized, some leaders are affected with panic attacks and headaches. The belivers must give due respect to the Pastors and Priests in their divinely called roles: on the other hand, if they are shifting to a new ground of dirty politics, then the believers have their fundamental right to question the Pastors and Priests for their misdirected and self-centered driving plans. It is very sad to say that some of these religious leaders have a minute spirit of Sadam and Idi Amin.
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