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tamjWw Ie-bm-n-b-h

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Feb 22, 2012
Views: 16403

Those who made stealing an art.
ss{IkvXh Km\ cwKv Cv tamjvSm- hne-kp-I-bm-Wv. Hpw A`n-Im-ay-a-m Cu {]h-WX Ah-km-\n-n-t Imew AXn-{I-an-n-cn-p-p. ap--h-cpsS {]kw-K- tImn-b-Sn-p hncp-X-m ChnsS [mcmfw Dv. teJ-\-tam-jvSn-pI, Hcp ]{X-n A-Snp hcp teJ-\-fpw A`n-ap-J--fp-sams Xe-sp am{Xw amn {]kn-o-I-cn-pI XpS-nb {]h-W-X-I ChnsS Ip hcp-p. Nne anSp--m ap--h-sc-gp-Xnb ]pkvX-I- Xs ASn-p-amn kzw t]cn {]kn-o-I-cn Ncn-{Xhpw ChnsS Dv. ap--h-cpsS teJ-\- kam-l-cnv kzw t]cn ]pkvX-I-an-d-p-Xpw In-p-v.

A\p-`-h- Xqen-Im-Xp-n-eqsS hcn-I-fmbn amdp-tm AXv Fgp-Xp hyn-bpsS ktmjw F{X hep-Xm-Wv. Fm Xm cNn Km\- asm-cm kz-amn t]sc-Sp-p-tm AXn\v FmWv adp-]Sn ]d-bp-hm Ign-bp-I. kn\nam Km\-cw-Kv Ccw tamj-W-I-Y-I ]e-tmgpw hnhm-Z-am-bn-p-v. Xm Fgp-Xnb Km\w Xs kmn-[y-n asm-cm Be-]nv krjvSn-ns Ah-Imiw Gs-Sp-Xv Hcp Fgp-p-Im-c ]d-Xv Hmp-p. t]cn\pw {]i-kvXn-pw-thn Xġv Cm Ign-hp-I Dsv ]d-bp--h-cpsS Fw Bob cwKv IqSp-I-bm-Wv. I]S {]hmN-I-m, I]S kphn-ti-j-I-m Ch-scmw kaq-l-n s]-tm-kvXns hne CSn-p-I-bm-Wv. B Iq-n Ccw kmlnXy tamjvSm- hne-kp-tm Imcy- ]d-bp-Ibpw th. X-fpsS Km\- ap--h ASn-p-amnb IY-I ]e Fgp-p-Im-cn \npw tIn-p-v. AtXm-sSmw X Fgp-Xnb Km\w A\p-hmZw IqSmsX kn.-Un-bn Bn hym]mcw sNp--h AXn \nv e`n-p em`-ns Hcp Awiw t]mepw Km\-c-N-bn-Xm-ġv \Im-dn-. Ccw kn. Un. I-h-S-m sNp-Xpw tamjWw Xs-bm-Wv. Syq tamjWw \S-n-bnv ssZhw \Inb SypWm-sWv Xn-aq-fn-p hncp-X-mcpw ChnsS Dv. Fm Hc-f-hp-hsc AXv kln-m-hp-Xp am{X-am-Wv. Fm hcn-I ASn-p-amn Atmpw Ctmpw amn-bnv ]pXnb Km\w Na-bvp tamjW Ie-bnse tUmIvt{SpImcpw Chn-sS-bp-v. X-fpsS IjvS--fnepw ]cn-tim-[-\-bnepw ssZh-k-n-[n-bn Imn-cp--tm ssZhw \Inb hcn-I-fm-sWv ]dv thZn-I-fn Xn aqfnv ssIbSn hmp--h Imp-Xv F{X \ny-amb {]hn-bm-Wv. Ccw Im]-Sy-msc Xncn--dn-bp-tm Hgn-hmn \np-hm-\p Bhw ImWn-p-hm \psS kaqlw Xm-dm-bm C-c-m ]n aS-pw. \qdp-I-W-n\v kwKoX {Kqp-I-fmWv Chn-sS-bp--Xv. kn\nam ]n-Wn-Km-b-I-scbpw av aX-`n Km\- ]mSp--h-sc-bp-sams ChnsS Ihj tPp-I-fn sIn Fgps-n-p-Xv ]Xnhp ImgvN-bmbn am-dn-bn-cn-p-p. Xn-qv ]mp-I Cv Ifw-hm-gp-I-bm-Wv. Bob Km\-cwKw ChnsS I-hSambn amdn-bn-cn-p-p. AXn-\n-S-bn `-cpsS A\p-`-h--fn \npw Ah cNn Km\- tamjvSnv kzw t]cnemn {]knn t\Sp-hm {ian-p--h ad-p-Xv {InkvXob am\y-X-bm-Wv.


Displaying 4 Comments
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samuel (March 1, 2012)
verry goodd
thomas vemmelil (February 24, 2012)
Why to have all these arguements about this song?? Let us all come to the compromising table and decide who actually has written this song. Let the honor and glory be given to "Mr.Chummattom", because Chummar only did the composing yet Mattom is the one who sung it all around the globe!!! Therefore, "Mr. Chummattom " really deserves the fame!!!
achankunju ny (February 23, 2012)
a good editorial.
a. s. mathew (February 23, 2012)
It is getting very common and for the vast majority of the people,

lying-stealing-exaggerations are getting as a solid part of their lifestyle.

They do it due to the hidden sin of foolish pride, simply to be

ahead of others through short-cuts, but in GOD's computer system,

everything is recorded.
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