Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 22, 2011
Views: 17563
Tragic death.
dmn: Anbw sF.] k`bpsS ip{iqjI\mb s\Spthen sdPn ]pqknsbpw Ihj {]kwKIbmb enn sdPnbptSbpw aI enZnb sdPn (9) Ifnp sImncntm jm Igpn n acWsp. ]m ssh. tXmakns (\|tbmv) sImpafmW" enZnb. ihkwkvImcw ]noSv.
pro. roy george: i do agree with you. it is good to have a yearly
spiritual get together to meet the old friends to renew the friedships, also for the spiritual enrichment. some of the annual
conventions are turned for many other use, other than spiritual. i do remember an
annual convention nearby my home. it was 50 years back, and the
invited speaker from trivandrum preached about the length-width-
height of heaven, also about the golden streets the whole week. later on, i was confused
as a young person about the number of people who can be accommodated.