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ew amhpw D]-tZ-in-am-cpsS ]cm-Xnbpw

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jun 10, 2011
Views: 13239

Transfers and the complaints of the pastors.
Fm k`-I-fnepw ew amw \S-p-I-gn-p. Fm \oXn-bn-mbva ]e- ew am--fnepw \S-p-shv Rġp e`n ]cm-Xn-I-fn \nv a\-n-em-Ip-p. Pohn-X-Im-e-sm-cn-epw ew amdmsX IpSpw_ kzp-t]mse lmfp-mn k`sb kz-am-n-sh-n-cn-p--hcpw e--W-n-\mb cq] hcp-am-\-ap--h-cp-sam-s-bmWv aqp-hj-amb D]-tZ-in-amsc ImktKm-Un\pw apw {Smkv^ sNp Iukn-ep-I-fn. ay Xncp-hn-Xmw- Iqdpw s]s-tmkvXp s_p-Ifpw hnSmsX ]e ]Xn-m-p-I-fmbn AS-bn-cn-bvp--hv aphsc {Smkv^ sNp In-n-bn Ccn-bvm FmWv [mnI Ah-Imiw D-Xv. Hmtcm k`-bn hcp \nnX hcp-am-\-n-\-p-d-ap-Xv tI{-n-e-Sv hcp-am\w Ipd-hp ip{iq-j-I-cpsS km-c-W-n-\p-]tbm-Kn-p-hm-\p {Iao-I-cWw Dm-I-Ww. ew am-n\p s]mXp-hmb am\-Zhpw Dm-I-Ww. sk ]mam ssIqen hmn-bmWv ]e-tmgpw sF. ]n. knbn ew amw \S-p--Xv F Btcm-]Ww sF. ]n.-kn-m D-bn-m-dp-v. sF. ]n. kn. kwm\ sk{I--dn-bpsS DS-a--X-bn DXpw tv Iukn AwK-amb ^nn. ]n. amXyp No^v FUn--dp-amb kzob [z\n-bpsS FUn-tm-dn-b-en Xs Cu Imcyw Cub-Spv Btcm-]n-n-cp-p. sk ]mam ssIqen hmp-p-shv AtX kwL-S-\-bnse D-c-hm-Zn-Xz-s--h-cpsS ]{X-n Btcm-]n-Xv F{X Kpcp-X-c-amb Imcy-amWv. Fm A-s\-sbm-cp- Imcyw \S-Xv kXy-am-sW-n AXns [mnI D-c-hm-ZnXzw Gs-Spv cmPn-sh-t--h Xs Btcm-]-W-hp-ambn cwK-s-n-bXv F{X Zb-\o-bw.

{]kv_n--dn-bnepw Iukn-enepw Ib-dn--p--h \ k`-Ifpw sk-dp-Ifpw Dd-m-m am{Xw {ian-p-p. Fm ]pXnb ^oUpI-fnepw {]Xn-k-n-I D-bn-Spw {]hn-p--h-cpsS Imcyhpw At\z-jn-t Npa-Xe t\Xm--mpsv ad-m-Xn-cn-p-I. sk-dn\p thn hntZ-i-p-\np e- ]ncn-npw kl-{]-hm-Isc klm-bn-m--h-scbpw Hcp lm ]Wn-p-t]mepw klm-bn---h-scbpw Adn-bmw. Fm Npcpw Nne sk-dn-ep kl-{]-h-Isc \mbn Icp-Xp-Xv ad-p-n-.

]cn-ip-m-mhv FXv \psS hymP {]I-S-\-ġv XpW \n¡p--X-. Fm-n\pw IWp t_m[n-n-t \m DsXpw t\Xm--m ad-m-Xn-cn--s. kphn-tij ^oUn Ipp--fp-sSbpw IpSpw-_-n-sbpw Imcy-ġmbn `mc-s-Sp--h-cpsS thZ\ ssZhw t\Xm--m-tcmSp tNmZn-bvm-Xn-cn-ptam?


Displaying 3 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
simon pl (March 5, 2012)
This is my first time to read "Believer's journal, NO Doubt this will be good for all.
jobin (June 20, 2011)
achayan ayaaal pinne pedikkanda nalla church kittum!! caste anallaooo nokkunnathu evideyum? urungi ninnooo varavinu!!
evar ellaaaam narakathikku anu pokku!!!
a. s. mathew (June 12, 2011)
In all the Christian denominations,
the old type ethics, sacrifice and
divine directions are totally replaced
with another "idol" called money.

The love for money has penetrated in the hearts of the Ministers and ministries, from the top to the bottom.
The word " money " is mentioned multiple
times in our worships far more than
Jesus,holy spirit or repentance. The
Pastors, Bishops, evangelists etc who
are totally associated with the ministry
constantly delivering both direclty
and indirectly; if we are not materially
blessed, we are under some divine curse.

As the trend is moving in that direction, kick backs for Pastor's
or Priest's transfer can't be blamed
because the person in charage of the
transfer is righly blessed by God.

Indeed, God is totally fed up with
the U.S. made prosperity gospel which
has deeply penetrated to the Indian
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