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\mSv hntij Ahkm\nn

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 7, 2013
Views: 26501

Unending Kumbanadu Viseshangal .
\ms hntij ChnsSbp aebmfn hnizmknIġv Fw NqSp hmbmWv. apfgbnepw ]p\eqw \S sXcsSppItfm sF.] Ce Fw {insSmdpv. sF.] tv Ce\n hmintbdnb t]mcmw \Sshnepw P\d Ce hodpw hminbpananmsX \Ssa Nn Am\mbncn. Atacnbn \nap ip{iqjIcmb ]mtgvkv hk G{_lmw, t__n hokv, kmw tPmv Fnh akc cwKpXv IqSpX {itbambn. CXn dh. kmw tPmv IWmSIv sF.] {]knUv F \nebn ImgvNsh {]h\n AwKoImcamWv Ctm e`nncn tPmbnv sk{Idn ]Zhn.


Displaying 12 Comments
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rev. dr. alavalathi (January 25, 2013)
Kumbanad visheshangal theerunnilla.

Ee aazhchayum kumbanad visheshangal pratheekshikkunnu.. he he he...
a. s. mathew (January 14, 2013)
Dear Frm Kolkata: Your comment is pointing fingers towards the most critical situation now. JESUS in His ministry on earth, predominantly He preached the gospel (good news), healed the sick and fed the hungry; nothing else. He has specifically attacked the hypocrisy of the religious hierarchy, on the other hand He was greatly provoked by watching the commercialization of the religious world. It will take 4/1 dollar to distribute Hindi New Testaments, millions of people in India had no chance to have a New Testament. How many lakhs are spent for these religious elections? Brother SPKUMBANAD has clearly indicated, the Church administration has to be entrusted with the believers who are qualified to undertake it. The Ministers, Pastors-Bishops-Priests etc must put on their garments and take care of the ministries for which they are called to do. What we see today in the religious world is too hard to understand!
frm kolkata..... (January 14, 2013)
Dear Brothers& Sis 's.... Ee Electionu nilkkuna Ee valiya Leaders Sathyathil oru pavapettavanodu eangilum Suvishesham paranjittundonnu sayam annu....evarkkokke IndIndiayude villegukalilum mattum veyilum thanuppum pattiniyum parihasavum adiyum okke kitti kashttapedunna Daiva bhakthanmare evarkku ariyumo? Kodikal electionum mattum chilavzhikkunna money undenkil Indiayil ulla ethryo villegukalil suvishesham ariyikkamayirunnu.... Ee koottare mullin mrikku kondu adi koduthu purathakkanam

a. s. mathew (January 11, 2013)
cotd:2 what we read in the acts 3:6 " peter said " silver and gold i do not have, but what i do have i give you. in the name of jesus christ of nazareth, rise up and walk". now, plenty of bank balance-real estate-mansions and cars but hardly any sharing of those things.
a. s. mathew (January 11, 2013)
dear sp kumbanad: brother i said that you were very stern in your comment, not rude at all. i do agree with you 110% that god will bless his children with material things and god owns everything and he is ready to bless his people. as you said, living by faith is the thing of the past, now for those people who are in the ministry has regular salary-home-car-and an array of special gifts based on many occasions like funeral-baby and home dedication-marriage-marriage settlement etc. in many of the american churches (not indian), pastors will leave the congregation when they find better salary and allowances. now i heard from many people that the kerala preachers will negotiate the "sermon charge" earlier. what a terrible tragedy

we are faced with? paul delivered the holy spirit charged sermon and 3000 people came to christ, didn't pass the prosperity plate to collect gold and silver.
sp kumbanad (January 11, 2013)
dear a.s.mathew, there are so many incidents that god blessed people for their work for the gospel. i totally agree with that. but now a days the problem is people want to serve lord for a monetary reward. that is why no one can work on faith. now faith based ministry is gone and only support based ministry is going on. am i right. why. people are looking for material blessings. materialism is ruining the church. iam sorry for my rude comment before.
a. s. mathew (January 10, 2013)
contd:2 god is not a debtor to anybody, he owns everything, and when god gives us to give away, we must do so without holding anything. i doubt whether god is going to give money to any minister to hold for themselves, and hoard for their children like the worldy people do. we are simply the custodians of god's wealth. if some minister is doing like amabani did, builing a billion dollar home amidst the slum people who are fighting in line to have drinking water and smelling terrible smell day and night; that person has no right to claim as a follower of christ (i had been to the slums a few times). the prosperity gospel has misled many people and they may not be reading the bible at all. if they look at the book of james, the first book written in the new testament, that will give all the proper guidlines about handling money.
a. s. mathew (January 10, 2013)
brother sp kumbanad: in response to your thought provoking comment

"if god is rewarding people for their work for gospel......" i would like to write a comment, which may be agreeable or disagreeable to the readers. when j.c. penny, the founder of the j.c. penny was a young man, he was not very smart in school and he was discouraged by his teachers that he will not accomplish anything in life. but, he was a man of great faith in god, and he began to give more for the lord's ministry, and his business began to boom. dr. bill bright was

influenced by j.c. penny, and god led him to start the "campus crusade" movement, which could touch the lives of millions of studetns around the world. r. g. letourneau was not a rich person, but was very rich in his giving, and he invented the earth moving equipments during the 2nd world season, and he became very rich and gave away 90% of his income for the ministry.
sp kumbanad (January 10, 2013)
if god is rewardig his people for their work for gospel, paul will died like an ambani. but it didn't happened. so prosperity is false and many malayalees say we are blessed financially because of our parents spent for the gospel. Is that a false doctrine too..
a. s. mathew (January 10, 2013)
Contd: 2. They had more milk supply than they can handle. I can't understand the mindset of the modern ministers who are in competition in custom-made dress riding in the most expensive cars available, and living at the most expensive homes, facing the poor and hungry people?

I am not talking about the believers, but specifically about the "titled Ministers" of all denominations. It is terribly sad to watch, how religion has been used as a very lucrative business enterprise, without investing any money or higher education; but simply opening the Bible through repeated sermons of blessings and prosperity. " And my God shall supply all your need (not wants or luxuries) according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Phil 4:19.

Is it applicable for the Ministers? The U.S. made prosperity gospel has brainwashed the Ministers around the world, and from India more ministers are visiting the U.S., so they are terribly brainwashed.
a. s. mathew (January 10, 2013)
kss: good and challenging comment. god has provided for his children in times of famine because we serve a living god. jesus said very affirmatively in an equally comparative strength, any other subject other than god and money. " love of money is the root of all evil" 1 tim 6.10. " no man can serve two massters.... you cannot serve god and mammon" mathew 6:24 (the aramaic language in which jesus spoke, mammon means money). in mark 6:8 and luke 9:3, jesus instructed his disciples, not to take any money with them, but go by faith. when the chief butler at george mueller's huge orphanage in england told george, we don't have any milk for the breakfast. george told the butler, put all the plates and god will provide. minutes before the breakfast, somebody knocked at the door, it was the city milk delivery man. he told, my truck's rear axle is broken, and i am going to dump the milk at the culvert, do you need milk?
kss (January 10, 2013)
Suvishesha velakku ennum paranju mattullavarude panam vangi kodikkanakkinu sambhadichavar suvishesha velakku naya paisa kodukkathe ippol vottu neduvan lakshangal mudakkunnu. Ivanteyokke darshanam enthuva. Ivanonnum Karthavu varumpol mukalilottu pokathilla. Ippol bankil ittirikkunna kodikal Karthavu vannittu pokumpol ividevachu anubhavikkuvan sambadichu vachirikkuva. Ivarkokke AYYO KASHTAM. Oru karyam vyakthamanu avarkku thanne ariyam melilottu pokathillennu. Atha kodikalude santham prashthanam suvishesha velakku kittiya panam moshttichu eduthu ittirikkunnathu.

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