Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 3, 2015
Views: 20619
V.T Thomas promoted to glory.
Umfkv: s\nae sNtův henbImembn ]tcXcmb hn.sI. tXmaknsbpw AbptSbp aI X (hn.n. tXmakv68) \nXyXbn {]thinp. amv 2\v Xnfmgv Dv Umfkn shmbn Ayw. amv 6\v shnbmgv sshInv 6 aWnv s]mXpZi\hpw, i\nbmgv sshInv 1 aWnv kwkvImc ip{iqjbpw t\mv Umfkv Nv Hm^v tKmUv, 1310 temdn ss{Uhv, dnmk, sIvkmkv 75080 hv \SXWv.`mcy sUbvkn \mSv av Spw_mKamWv. a: ]tcX\mb t\m_n, ta_n. aa: kp\n, s_vkn.
We the kumbanad ipc elim family are very sorrow at the departure of our beloved Br. V.T. Thomas. At this painful occasion we express our hearty condolence To the bereaved family memembers.May the God of peace console your heart and fill with eternal peace.We uphold the family members in prayer.
With prayer,
Pastor Regimon Jacob
IPC Elm Kumbanad.