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Bob t\Xm {Zhym{KlnIfmbm

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: May 8, 2012
Views: 22528

When spiritual leaders become greedy.
kzmX{ym\c Cybn `cWntednb t\Xmm Pbnen \npw `cWntev FpIbmbncpp. Fm CmIs `cnp t\Xmm A[nImc knwlmk\n \nv Pbnentev t]mIpIbmWv. BZy Ime t\Xmm `mcX kzmX{yn\mbn XymK]qambn kacw sNbvXp. AXns ^eambn A[nImcnIfpsS a\hpw Pbn hmkhpw Ahv Gtnhp. A[nImcw Ahv AgnaXnbvp thZnbmbncpn. ]nstbm P\ tan\mbn {]hnphm\p Ahkcambncpp.

Cv kmlNcyw amdnbncnpp. XymK]qamb PohnXw \bn t\XmmcpsS Imew Ignncnpp. AgnaXnbpsS Id]pcfm t\Xmm Npcpw. P\tasm kz IpSpw_nsbpw _pfpsSbpw taamWv Ah At\zjnpXv. `cWntedpXn\p appw `cWn \nv Cdptmgpap ChcpsS kzns Acw Bscbpw AcnnpXmWv. JP\mhv Iv apSnv kzw Ioi honp Cuqcn Nne am{Xw ]nSnsSpp. A[nImc tkm]m\n \nv Nnescnepw Xolmdnse Ipdbn FnsbXv ApXw. ]dphcpXv CXnepw A[:]Xnncnp s]stmkvXns\pdnmWv. Hcn Fmw Dt]nv hnizmk PohnXw Bcw`n XymKnIfmb ]nXmm. Av k`m ]cn]me\hpw t\XrXz m\hpw Ahv kz Ioi honphm\mbncpn. k`bnse ip{iqjI m\ A[nImcns sNtm {]Zinnphm\p thZnIfpambncpp.

Fm Cv B Xeapd Ignncnpp. ChnsS AgnaXnbpsSbpw [\ kmZ\nsbpw amambn ip{iqjI m\sf amnsbSppXn s]stmkvXv k`m m\nI hnPbnncnpp. HutZymKnI m\w hntZi \mSpIfn ip{iqjm thZnI ASnsSppXn ]ecpw D]tbmKnpp. Fn\v ihaSv, hnhmlw, kv\m\w, `h\ {]XnjvT, inip {]XnjvT Cs\ {]mtZinI k`Ifn \Sp Fm ]cn]mSnIfpw X am{Xta \Smhq Fv iTnp sk D]tZinamcpw ]Wmcsbpw hntZi aebmfn hnizmknIfpsS hnhmlw, ihaSv Cs\ ]Ww Xmhp ip{iqjI Xġv e`nphm X{w Hcpp tI{ t\Xmmcpw ChnsS hnpIbmWv. hntZi \mSpIfnse ki\n HutZymKnI ]Zhn D]tbmKnv ]ncnhv \SpIbpw AsXmw kzw Ioibntev ampIbpw sNphcpw `qcn]ambn amdn. AgnaXnbpw kzP\ ]]mXhpw ChnsS km{XnIambn. temImsctmse BIpXn acnpIbmWv Bmhns \Snn \Sppshv A`nam\np s]stmkvXpIm. X IWp t_m[nnthcmWv F t_m[yw FmWmthm Cu Iqv DmhpI.

k` temItmSv A\pcq]sSphm\tm Imhv Pw \evInbXv. {Zhym{KlnIfmbn amdn Xsf Gev]n ip{iqj KWyammXncnph CSbvsnepw Cu hN\w hmbnpXv \v. CXm Rm thKw hcpp. Hmtcmcp\pw Ah\hs {]hnbvv Xhw sImSpm {]Xn^ew Fs ]epv.


Displaying 3 Comments
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thoppil raju (May 15, 2012)
Good article.Certainly bringing out and showing the existing churches real colur, by writing like this who is spritually motivatd ?.Bring out those who suffer for God and His kingdom sake.Lots of them are out there.Honour them, thru your writting.
a. s. mathew (May 8, 2012)
great article. in which direction, the church, the body of

christ has gone? if anybody is getting rich through business or any legal avenue, that is great. but, it is terribly frustrating to watch the tricks being used by putting the name of god in front of us

and hoarding wealth.

believer: you have asked a serious and open question. how many people came to christ through the ministries of some of these great

leaders? until the believers honor great and genuine children of god who are in the ministry without much worldly possessions, the worldly

believers will exalt the wealthy as "blessed people".
believer (May 8, 2012)
Good article.Certainly bringing out and showing the truths existing in modern day church.Its good we are bringing out the sad state of church.However, can we follow the biblical model as followed by Jesus, Disciples, and Apostles. If we read bible carefully we can understand they took time to acknowledge the sacrificial services rendered by individual and churches.Can we bring the stories of pastors who have sacrificially served the lord without amassing personal wealth, but serving the lord and helping the growth of church.Put a criteria,1. Atleast 3 decades of service.2.What their contribution to the church in evangelism, church growth, church building etc(please avoid those who travel to states every year for church)3.Are their children serving the Lord(many preachers preach to send but not theirs).Please do not tell there is none. There are many but since they are not in politics, or involved with media publicity few know them.Will BJ have boldness to bring these stories?
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