Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 21, 2011
Views: 33927
Who will lead? Strengths and weeknesses of potential candidates (Church of God Kerala State Overseer post).
1. ]m Fw. 檸n
Iv: 1.`cWn XpS. 2. Xoam\ \SneXnse Cmin. 3. k`bpsS `uXoI hf. 4.\nmW taJebnse aptw. 5.IqsS \n hnizmkvXsc kwcn.
Zu_eyw: 1.kzP\]]mXw. 2. Nne tImkpI Hm^okv \nb{n. 3. _nkn\v Xmcy
2. ]m ]n. sP. Pbnwkv
Iv: 1. AmUanv ]mew. 2. thUv anj\" {]obc, 3. cm{ob ]cnthjan, 4. s]mXp kX, 5. hn]peamb injy kv
Zu_eyw: 1. Xmsgn _ԧfn, 2. {]iv\fpmtmgp X{]camb au\w, 3. FU|tj Unmpsans IWI {]knoIcnn.
3. ]m s_k ambn
Iv: 1. iamb Bob ip{iqj, 2. t\XrXz ]mShw, 3. bphP\ġv {]obc
Zu_eyw: 1. {]mbdhv, 2. \mpImv A]cnNnX, 3. tIcfn ip{iqjI\mbn {]hnnn.
4. ]m kn. kn. tXmakv
Iv: 1. AmUanIv ]mew, 2. bphXzns {]kcnv, 3. ssh.]n.C, NpaXeIfn tim`np, 4. bphP\fpsS {]Xo, 5. thUpanjambn ASp _w
Zu_eyw: 1. {]mbdhv, 2. ]n.F.hnbpsS hnizkvX F te_, 3. \mn \nw amdn \nXv, 4. ko\nb ]mtgvkns Xm¸cydhv
5. ]m ]n. kn. sNdnbm
Iv: 1. DWv {]kwKI, 2. \b]camb kao]\w, 3. hiyamb s]amw, 4. kwLmSI anIhv
Zu_eyw: 1. cm{ob ]cnthjw, 2. AmUanv ASndbn, 3. hnip\mSv bm{X kwLSnn t]mep hnhmZfn s]Xv, 4. Nv t{Kmv anjs IWIfnse kpXmcyXbnmbva.
6. dh. tPm. cy
Iv: 1. ]m n.Fw. hokns sImpaI, ]m ] NmtmbpsS aI Fo \neIfnep AwKoImcw, 2. bp.sIbnse anjWdn Hmhknb F m\w, 3. iamb \ne]mSv, 4. o CtaPv, 5. anj\n hnZKZ
Zu_eyw: 1.\mnse ]cnNbdhv
7. dh. ]n. Pn. amX}kv
Iv: 1. Akn. Hmhknb ]Zhn, 2. s]stmkvXp temIn ]cnNnX, 3. ko\ntbmcnn, 4. Atacn aebmfn k`IfpsS ]npW.
Zu_eyw: 1. \mSv {^m t\Xmsh ]cnthjw, 2. DukzeXbnmbva, 3. Akn.Hmhknb F \nebn ]cmPbw, 4. Dd \ne]mSpI C.
(Cu \ncoW A`n{]mb thmsSpn ]sSphsS A`n{]mb t{ImUoIcnp XmdmnbXmW")
i have one request to believers journal: expose all frauds and unjust behaviours in the pentecostal circle. for example; the prevalent practice of demanding 'bribe-like' envelops by force even from poor families on the occasion of burials of their loved ones or marriage of poor girls. on the contrary, these families need our support in every aspect. if one cannot afford the unjust demand from these so-called ......., the poor fellow is made an outcast. this cruel practice is unheard of even in the heathen circle. let us unite and put an end to this evil practice. i know i am throwing stones at the hornet's nest by trying to expose the bad coins or the wolves in lambs' disguise.