Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Nov 8, 2011
Views: 17000
Why argue about foreign missionaries.
hneyw eo {]iv\w ChnsS Nne N-Iġv hgnshn-cn-p-p. ChnsS Fn\v hntZi anj-W-dn-amsc Cd-p-aXn sNWw ChnsS ip{iq-jn-bvp-hm Ign-hp--h D-tm F tNmZyw Hcp Iq Dbp-tm hntZi anj-WdnamcpsS hc-hns\ asmcp Iq kzmKXw sNp-p. hntZi anj-W-dn-am ChnsS htc Bh-iy-an-m-sbv ]d-bp--h Cc--m-ns apJw-aqSnbWn--h-cm-Wv. Fp-sImv hntZ-in-I ip{iq-j-bvmbn hp-IqSm. temI-ns A-tm-fhpw kmn-I-fm-Ip-hm hr{K-X-Im-p ae-bmfn D]-tZ-in-ampw Cu hmZw _m[-I-amp-sa-n Ipg-an-. am\y-ambpw hN-\m-\p-kr-X-ambpw ip{iqj sNp--h hcp-Xvv Ghpw A\p-{Klw Xs--bm-Wv F-Xn X-an-. Fm _pn-tbmSpw ]cn-m-\-tmSpw cmPy \nb-a-ġ-\p-k-cnpw AXv {Iao-I-cntXv kwLm-S-I-cpsS D-c-hm-Zn-Xz-am-Wv. ChnsS hntZ-in-I htc--msbv tLmc tLmcw {]kw-Kn-p--h kzw {]m-\-ns D-c-hm-Zn-Xz-s--h-tcmSv CXp ]d-bp-hm ss[cyw Imptam FmWv Adn-tb-Xv. kzw {]m-\-n hntZ-in-I [mcm-f-ambn hp {]kw-Knp aS-p-tm AXn Bm-Zn-p--h ap--h AXp sNp-tm sXmWv Fv ]d-bp-hm F-s\ -I-gn-bpw.
Ata-cn--bn {]kw-Kn-p-hm\pw ip{iq-jn-p-hm\pw {]m]vX-cm-b-h [mcm-faptm hen-p-I-bdn {]m{Kmw tNmZn-p-hmn ip{iqj sNp--h-tcmSv B \mp-Imcpw CsXms ]dm Fm-bn-cnpw {]Xn-I-c-Ww hntZi anj-W-dn-am Cu \mSn\p \Inb kw`m-h\ Fpw hep-Xp-X-s-bm-Wv. AXns\ Hpw Ipd-p-Im-Wp-hm ]mSn-. Ah \psS \mSn\p \Inb shfnw PmXn-aX t`Zat\y Fm-hcpw A\p-`-hn-p-Ibpw sNp-p. A\p-{K-ln--s--h hc-s. AXn\v \mw Xs XS-bn-tS Bh-iy-an-. Zpcp-]-tZ-i-I-scbpw apw Iqp-]n-Snv thZn-sbm-cpn X-fpsS kzImcy kv hn-n-p-hm {ian \psS Nne t\Xm--m-cm-Wv Chn-Sps A]-N-b-n\v Imc-W-m. X- ]S-p-m-nb IS-emkv kwL-S-\-IfpsS t]cn kmbn-ns\ Cd-p-aXn sNp-Ibpw Ah-cpsS ]Ww kzw t]m-n Bp-Ibpw sNp B[p-\nI tKlkn-amsc XS-bp-hm-\mWv ChnsS \nbaw th-Xv. anj-W-dn-am hyh-m-]n-X-am-n IqSn hc-s. k`bvv {]tbm-P-\-s-Sp-san \mw Fn\v XS-b-Ww. Atmv t]mbn ip{iq-jn-p--h Ctmv hv ip{iq-jn-p--hsc XS-b-W-sav ]d-bp-tm AXv Cc--m--msX as-m-Wv.
"go unto the world and be yee my witness", so says the lord. in god geography there is no separation as india, united states, great britain, or japan. he is the creator of this whole universe. we human beings are the one's that divided the universe and made a division among'st us for political advantages in different areas of the world and who gets the benefits-- the politicians. we people fight each other for the benefit of politicians-- and then one becomes a president, the other one becomes a prime minister, and so on and so forth. "god said go unto the world and preach my gospel, be yee my witness ! so, there is nothing wrong when rev: rogers from usa come to india to preach the gospel or when pastor chellapan phd,from india go to britain for the furtherance of gospel.