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FUntämdnb : PmXn hnhmZw BÀ¡pth­n?

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 22, 2012
Views: 22192

Why the Caste Controversy?.
{InkvXphn ho­pw P\\w {]m]n¨ Hcp hyànsb kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw Ahsâ ]gbIme PohnX¯nsâ HmÀ½IÄ D­mImsa¦nepw AXns\¡pdn¨v {]iwkn¡phmt\m Al¦cn¡phmt\m H¶panÃ. ]ns¶tbm {InkvXphneqsS e`n¨ A\p`h§fnemWv {]iwknt¡­Xv. ssZh ZrjvSnbn blqZ\pw PmXnIfpw F¶ c­v KWamWpÅXv. blqZ³ Xsâ kz´P\ambn Xm³ sXcsªSp¯XmWv. F¶m {InkvXphns\ XnckvIcn¨tXmsS AhÀ¡v e`nt¡­ A\p`h§Ä {InkvXphneqsS PmXnIÄ¡v e`n¨p. cmPmhnsâ Iev]\ ewLn¨ hØn cmÚnbpsS Øm\¯v FtØÀ F¯nbXpt]mse ssZhIr]bm PmXnIÄ {InkvXphnsâ aWhm«n ]Z¯n F¯nt¨À¶p. AXn ]pIgphm³ kz´ {]hÀ¯nIÄ H¶pw Xs¶ ImcWaÃ. FÃmw {InkvXphnsâ Zm\w am{Xw.

tIcf¯nse kpdnbm\n {InkvXym\nIÄ Fgp]Xp e£t¯mfaps­¶pw AhscÃmw \jvSs¸«pt]mb blqZ
tKm{X¡mcmsW¶pw DÅhmZw Hcp hn`mKw BfpIÄ t_m[]qÀÆw DbÀ¯nsIm­ph¶ncn¡p¶p. CXnsâ ]n¶n NnecpsS KqV e£y§fmWv. CXphscbpw \¼qXncn am\km´cs¸«XmWv kpdnbm\nIÄ F¶ hmZambncp¶p Cu¡q«À DbÀ¯nbncp¶Xv. F¶m Ncn{X]cambn bmsXmcp sXfnhpanÃm¯ s]mÅbmb hmZw s]mfnªt¸mÄ asämcp CSw tXSn\S¶hÀ Ct¸mÄ blqZ\n A`bw tXSpIbmWv. Bdmw \qäm­n\v tijw am{XamWv PmXn thÀXncnhv tIcf¯nep­mbsX¶ncns¡ H¶mw \qäm­n F§s\ \¼qXncn D­mhpw F¶ tNmZy¯n \n¶v c£s¸Sphm\pÅ amÀ¤ambn blqZhmZw NneÀ s]m¡nsbSp¡pIbmWv. Ct¸mÄ ]dbp¶X\pkcn¨v blqZ {_mÒW·msc tXmamÇolm kv\m\s¸Sp¯nsb¶mWv C¡q«cpsS hmZw. AXp Fs´mcp Xcw {_mÒWcmsW¶v BtemNn¨n«v Hcp F¯pw ]nSnbpw In«p¶nÃ. blqZcmsW¶v kaÀ°n¡phm³ \o­ teJ\§Ä Im¨p¶hÀ¡v AXn\v Dt]mZv_eIambn Hcp sXfnhpw Ncn{X¯n \n¶v tcJs¸Sp¯m\nÃ. shdpsX Ipsd Imcy§Ä FgpXn¸nSn¨v ]Tm\pw ]t«epw `«pw lpssk\pw A{^nZnbpw Ahdm¨\pw FÃmw H¶msW¶pw X§Ä aäpÅhsc¡mÄ sa¨amsW¶pw kaÀ°n¡phm³ {ian¡p¶ Cu¡q«cpsS tImamfn¯c§Ä ImWpt¼mÄ ChtcmSv klXm]w AÃmsX H¶pw tXm¶p¶nÃ. ]s­mcp `n£¡mc³ ]dªXpt]mse Cu ]Wn Adnb¯nÃmbncps¶¦n sX­nt¸mtbs\ F¶Xpt]msebmWv Cu¡q«cpsS {iaw ImWpt¼mÄ tXm¶p¶Xv.

{InkvXphn blqZ\pw bh\\pw F¶nÃ. c£n¡s¸«hÀ {InkvXphnsem¶mWv. AhnsS PmXnbpsS thÀXncnhnÃ. Hc¸¯nsâ AwinIÄ , {InkvXphn\v Iq«hIminIÄ. CXv hN\bmYmÀ°yambncns¡ F´n\v C¯cw PmXn hnhmZ§Ä. lpssk\pw ]Tm\pw `«pw kpdnbm\nIfpw Hs¡ H¶msW¶v ]dbp¶hÀ ssZhhN\w {i²n¨phmbn¡p¶Xv \¶mbncn¡pw. c£n¡s¸«h³ Bßob AÀ°¯n Chcpambn H¶Ã. AhÀ hyXykvXcmWv. ]gbXn {]iwkn¡p¶hÀ acp`qanbn C{ktb a¡Ä ]dªXpt]msebmWv. acp`qanbnse¯nb AhÀ tamsitbmSv ]dªXv R§Ä an{ktban Ign¨Xv shfp¯pÅn, NnäpÅn, a¯§, shÅcn XpS§nbhbmWv. R§Ä Ccp¶Xv Cd¨nIe§fpsS AcnInemWv. CXp ]dbpt¼mÄ AhÀ `£n¨psIm­ncp¶Xv _ehm·mcpsS t`mP\amb a¶bpw H¸w enhyYmsâ Xesb XIÀ¯v ssZhw \ÂInb ImS]£ntbbpamWv. \µnbnÃm¯ bn{kmtb P\w Ahsc c£n¨ kÀÆiàs\ \nµn¨Xpt]mse c£n¡s¸Sm¯htcmSv tNÀ¶v C¯cw hneIpdª IfnIÄ \S¯p¶htcmSp IqsS s]s´t¡mkvXpImcpw Iq«ptNcpt¼mÄ F´p ]dbm³? tIcf¯n Fgp]Xp e£w kpdnbm\n {InkvXym\nIÄ Ds­¶v ]dbp¶hÀ ]mÀizh¡cn¡s¸« ap¸Xv e£¯ne[nIw hcp¶ {InkvXob kaqls¯ F®¯n DÄs¸Sp¯p¶ntÃ? A§s\ hcpt¼mÄ tIcf¯n {InkvXym\nIfpsS kwJy F{X hcpw? CsXÃmw shdpw hyÀ°amb Imcy§Ä am{Xw. shdpsX \mw F´n\v \½psS kabw IfbWw. \ap¡v {InkvXphn ]pIgmw. ImcWw Ah³ \ap¡v ]pXnsbmcp PohnXw \ÂInbncn¡p¶p. ]gbXv Ignªp t]mbn CXm kIeXpw ]pXpXmbncn¡p¶p. C\n \½psS c£I\n {]iwkn¡mw.


Displaying 7 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
a. s. mathew (June 10, 2012)
a believer from u.s.a: if entering the worship centers of the kerala churches in the u.s. and around the world representing all the major christian denominations, especially of the extreme protestant

denominations which stood for faith and visions, we will be in a total shock to see pure business-power play of the rich and mistreatment of the less privileged in any dimension possible. while the muslims will sit down and worship with their servants in front of them on the floor, we christians have specifically selected the sitting locations and positions in the church; fundamentally based on career or financial strength. the spiritually strong believers are ignored by many pastors, but they very reverently listen to the rich but worldly people in the church! whither bound? if jesus is visiting some of these so called places of worship, he will use the longest and strongest whip starting from the pulpit.
a believer from usa (June 10, 2012)
Castism is a curse from Hinduism.Still,castism is stronger in christianity,than hinduism, from where it came from.

When a person become Muslim,he is considered as muslim in every meanse.But when you become a christian,you are a "converted christian" or "sadhu christian".Otherways the traditional pentacostals are so proud of their heritage

Having had the call or burden for perishing souls,most of ministers choose one colony as their mission field.if anyone gets saved they will not be treated eqaly.If you cannot love them as brothers or treat them equaly don't bring them to the Church.THIS IS HYPOCRACY
mathews mulakkuzha (May 25, 2012)
njanum cog member aanu. innathe avasthayil dukkikkunnu. ee editorial ee kalakhattathinu avasyam aanu.kazhinja lakkangalile editorialukalum ugran .i know pr samkutty.daivam upayogikkatte.kallerundakam. saramilla. we will pray for you.thanx.god bless all journal team.
a. s. mathew (May 25, 2012)
good article, touching an important and hidden subject, but recently shining at the front row. the very well educated and rich paul had to say " but forbid that i should boast except in the cross of our lord jesus christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and i to the world" gal 6:14. i have watched with some crtical mind and confusion by hearing the testimonies of some people came from hindu faith. the vast majority of them try to exalt a banner, whether it is true or not, that they came from brahmin family. so, indirectly appealing to the believers that " i was somebody, but now following christ, and i need some extra respect from you". likewise, what is the real purpose in connecting the christians of kerala with the jews or any other caste? god resists the pround and give grace to the humble. all these story creations to exalt ourselves will bring us to the seat of penality by god, which is simply driven by our foolish pride.
believer (May 24, 2012)
samkutty would you address the real caste problem in the church today, rather than going around and biting some useless achen kunju. How many churches have believers from hindu back ground. When will syrian xtians stop using the word converts? Will churches accept SCST believers without showing them difference. Dont we realize, in Gods eyes there are only two groups. Jew or Gentile. It means every one except Jew have only one name Gentile. It doesn matter hindu, catholica, pentecost, syrian, orthodox or nothing. Its either Jew or Gentile...
johan john (May 23, 2012)
No words to describe about achayan kunjus finding
believer (May 23, 2012)
i knew my honest comments challenging the partiality of journalism will never be posted. if this is an honest paper. you should be able to post all comments, that address honest questions. i am always careful to address common issues rather than pointing a person. will bj stand up to do that?
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