Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 22, 2012
Views: 22192
Why the Caste Controversy?.
{InkvXphn hopw P\\w {]m]n¨ Hcp hyànsb kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw Ahsâ ]gbIme PohnX¯nsâ HmÀ½IÄ DmImsa¦nepw AXns\¡pdn¨v {]iwkn¡phmt\m Al¦cn¡phmt\m H¶panÃ. ]ns¶tbm {InkvXphneqsS e`n¨ A\p`h§fnemWv {]iwknt¡Xv. ssZh ZrjvSnbn blqZ\pw PmXnIfpw F¶ cv KWamWpÅXv. blqZ³ Xsâ kz´P\ambn Xm³ sXcsªSp¯XmWv. F¶m {InkvXphns\ XnckvIcn¨tXmsS AhÀ¡v e`nt¡ A\p`h§Ä {InkvXphneqsS PmXnIÄ¡v e`n¨p. cmPmhnsâ Iev]\ ewLn¨ hØn cmÚnbpsS Øm\¯v FtØÀ F¯nbXpt]mse ssZhIr]bm PmXnIÄ {InkvXphnsâ aWhm«n ]Z¯n F¯nt¨À¶p. AXn ]pIgphm³ kz´ {]hÀ¯nIÄ H¶pw Xs¶ ImcWaÃ. FÃmw {InkvXphnsâ Zm\w am{Xw.
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{InkvXphn blqZ\pw bh\\pw F¶nÃ. c£n¡s¸«hÀ {InkvXphnsem¶mWv. AhnsS PmXnbpsS thÀXncnhnÃ. Hc¸¯nsâ AwinIÄ , {InkvXphn\v Iq«hIminIÄ. CXv hN\bmYmÀ°yambncns¡ F´n\v C¯cw PmXn hnhmZ§Ä. lpssk\pw ]Tm\pw `«pw kpdnbm\nIfpw Hs¡ H¶msW¶v ]dbp¶hÀ ssZhhN\w {i²n¨phmbn¡p¶Xv \¶mbncn¡pw. c£n¡s¸«h³ Bßob AÀ°¯n Chcpambn H¶Ã. AhÀ hyXykvXcmWv. ]gbXn {]iwkn¡p¶hÀ acp`qanbn C{ktb a¡Ä ]dªXpt]msebmWv. acp`qanbnse¯nb AhÀ tamsitbmSv ]dªXv R§Ä an{ktban Ign¨Xv shfp¯pÅn, NnäpÅn, a¯§, shÅcn XpS§nbhbmWv. R§Ä Ccp¶Xv Cd¨nIe§fpsS AcnInemWv. CXp ]dbpt¼mÄ AhÀ `£n¨psImncp¶Xv _ehm·mcpsS t`mP\amb a¶bpw H¸w enhyYmsâ Xesb XIÀ¯v ssZhw \ÂInb ImS]£ntbbpamWv. \µnbnÃm¯ bn{kmtb P\w Ahsc c£n¨ kÀÆiàs\ \nµn¨Xpt]mse c£n¡s¸Sm¯htcmSv tNÀ¶v C¯cw hneIpdª IfnIÄ \S¯p¶htcmSp IqsS s]s´t¡mkvXpImcpw Iq«ptNcpt¼mÄ F´p ]dbm³? tIcf¯n Fgp]Xp e£w kpdnbm\n {InkvXym\nIÄ Ds¶v ]dbp¶hÀ ]mÀizh¡cn¡s¸« ap¸Xv e£¯ne[nIw hcp¶ {InkvXob kaqls¯ F®¯n DÄs¸Sp¯p¶ntÃ? A§s\ hcpt¼mÄ tIcf¯n {InkvXym\nIfpsS kwJy F{X hcpw? CsXÃmw shdpw hyÀ°amb Imcy§Ä am{Xw. shdpsX \mw F´n\v \½psS kabw IfbWw. \ap¡v {InkvXphn ]pIgmw. ImcWw Ah³ \ap¡v ]pXnsbmcp PohnXw \ÂInbncn¡p¶p. ]gbXv Ignªp t]mbn CXm kIeXpw ]pXpXmbncn¡p¶p. C\n \½psS c£I\n {]iwkn¡mw.
a believer from u.s.a: if entering the worship centers of the kerala churches in the u.s. and around the world representing all the major christian denominations, especially of the extreme protestant
denominations which stood for faith and visions, we will be in a total shock to see pure business-power play of the rich and mistreatment of the less privileged in any dimension possible. while the muslims will sit down and worship with their servants in front of them on the floor, we christians have specifically selected the sitting locations and positions in the church; fundamentally based on career or financial strength. the spiritually strong believers are ignored by many pastors, but they very reverently listen to the rich but worldly people in the church! whither bound? if jesus is visiting some of these so called places of worship, he will use the longest and strongest whip starting from the pulpit.