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kaq-l- hn-hmlw ]n.-ssh.-]n.F bpsS t\Xr-Xz-n \Sp

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 13, 2013
Views: 20154

Community marriage held under PYPA leadership.
Cy-bnse apJy-[mc s]-tmkvXp bph-P\ kwL-S-\-bmb ]n.-ssh.-]n.F kwm\ In-n-bp-sSbpw _ldn sF.-] Nn-sbpw kwbpm`n-ap-Jy-n \mep bph-XnI-fpsS hnhmlw amth-en-c sF.-C.Fw BUn-tm-dn-b-n hv CUym s]-tmkvXv ssZh-k` tIc-fm- tv sshkv {]kn-Uv ]m cmPp ]qh-m-e-bpsS Ay--X-bn CUy s]-tmkvXv ssZh-k-`-bpsS P\-d sk{Idn ]m sI.-kn.-tPm \n-ln-p. kwm\ ]n.-ssh.-]n.F {]kn-Uv kphn-. hnk imap-th kzmK-Xhpw, sk{I-dn ]m km_p Nm{]v hnj-bm-h-X-c-Whpw, amth-en-c taJem sk{I-dn ]m jmPn hokv IrX-Xbpw ]d-p.- \h-Z--Xn-Iġp-ff [\-k-lmbw 1 ew cq] Hmtcm IpSpw-_-ġv { B Fw.-F.-Fbpw amth-en-c apkn- sNbam AUz sI.-B apc-fo-[-c ]m sI.-kn.-tPm Fn-h ssIam-dn. sF.-] ]ndhw sk an\n- ]m. _m_p sNdn-bm, ]m tXmakv Nmtm, kn kqk tXmakv XpS-n-b-h {]kwKnp. sF.-] ko\n-b an\n- ]m sI.-Fw.-tPm \h-Z--Xn-Isf A\p-{K-lnp {]mnp. sF.-] tv Iukn sa-dmb kPn t]m, ]m kpZi-\ ]nf-f, bp.-F.-C. doPn-b sk{I-dn ]m Unep tUm ]{X {]h-Isc {]Xn-\n-[o-I-cnv ]m cmPp B\n-mSv, {_Z am tPm, {_Z. tPmv amXyp Fn-h Biw-k-I Adn-bn-p. ]m tXmakv Nmtm t\XrXzw sImSp-p sF.-] _l-dn NmWv kaql hnhmlw kvt]mk sNbvXXv. kphn. knt\mPv tPmv, {_Z ssePp tPmv, kphn. kp\n amXyp, sI_n _n\p, APp AeIvkv, ]m tPm_n tPmk^v Fn-h IqSmsX {_Z Pn cmPv t\XrXzw sImSp-p Be-pg taJem ]n.-ssh.-]n.F {]h-Icpw Cu ip{iq-jbvv t\XrXzw \In. sk ]mt-gvkv, P\-d tv Iukn sat-gvkv, ]{X-{]-Xn-\n-[n-I XpS-n-b-h Cu ip{iq-j-bn ]s-Sp-p.


Displaying 4 Comments
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a. s. mathew (August 31, 2013)
JESUSMAN: Helping 4 girls to get married was a good thing. But, as you have written, something went overboard as if a big publicity stunt for some religious hierarchy. This setback has to be watched carefully next time.
jesusman (August 31, 2013)
Huhhha what a joke! 4 girls got married! Read the list of pastors! Shame on you Pentecostals, look and Palakkad MLA Shafi going to do when he is getting married this month! I feel this news and the name of the pastors are like that in the Lion's Club charities, participant names and list of leaders came, what a 3rd class Cheap promotion! M.A Yousefali arranged the marriage of 100 poor girls from all religions just before his daughters marriage. Your good works should be exceeding that of the pharisees.
fact (August 30, 2013)
Jesus said, Let your left hand not know what your right hand does, But see now how we give something, Think , Is such givings biblical
a. s. mathew (August 14, 2013)
if we curtail on many unnecessary decorations and burning money even for religious functions in lakhs, every denomination can help many such people who are desperately struggling to conduct marriages and other social needs. whenever some of the rich and socially aristocratic people

wanted so urgently to follow jesus, jesus instantly challenged them to dispose everything and give to the poor. jesus has used the word "poor" many times in his discourses. was he concerned with the hungry people who were following him to listen to his teachings?

yes, he fed them! we are greatly excited to reach heaven with golden highways....great desire, but we can feel a portion of that bliss through displaying charity to the poor. hindus-muslims-jains-sikhs etc are helping the helpless people to start a new life. what about the christians? all the best wishes and prayers for the new undertaking which is indeed the true obedience to the commandment of our lord jesus " love one another
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