Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 9, 2012
Views: 19805
IPC Election 2012. Some things to be noted.
Nne m\--fn-tev m\mn-Iġv am-ap-m-Ip-sav thms-Sp-n ]s-Sp--h Xs A`n-{]m-b-s-n-cp-p. AXn-\m Xs Nnev thmp-Ip-d-bp--Xn\v AXv Imc-W-ambn Fp ]d-bmw. Ctm \S-p N-I A\p-k-cnv sXfn-bp Nn{Xw CXm-Wv. Fnepw am- Dd-v.
P\-d {]kn-Uv m\-tv dh. hk G{_-lmapw, dh. t__n hokpw t\p-t\ t]mcm--n\v km[yX sXfn-n-cn-p-p. Nne An-adn km[y-X-I ]n-Wn-bn Nne N sNpp-ap-v. Fm ]m sI. Fw. tPmk^v {]kn-Uv m\-tbvv a-cn-p-sa-p {]N-c-Whpw \S-p-p.
sshkv {]kn-Uv m\-tv sI. Fw. tPmk-^n-s\-Xnsc ]m hnճ tPmk^v a-cn-p-p Fv tIġp-p. Hw ]m tPm sI. amXyp-hns m\mn-Xzhpw Xn If-bm\mhn. AXp-t]mse P\-d sk{I-dn m\-tv dh. sI. kn. tPmWn-s\-Xn-sc i-\mb m\mn Cm-sbp Icp-Xmw. Atm Xs dh. sI. kn. tPm tIcfm tv {]kn-Uv m\-tbvv hcn-Ibpw dh. sI. kn. tXmakv P\-d sk{I-dn m\-tbvv amdp-Ibpw sNp-hm-\p km[y-Xbpw Xn-I-f-bm Bhn-. {Sj-dm m\-tv ]n. Fw. ^nen-n-s\-Xnsc tPm tPmk^v a-cn-p-n FmWv HSp-hn-es dntmp-I. {_Z tPmbn Xm\-th-en tIcfm tv {Sj-dm m\-tbvv ac cwK-pv Fdnbp- p. AXp-sImp Xs Ipcy tPmk^v P\-d {Sj-dm m\-tbvv a-cn-p-hm-\p km[yX sXfn-bp-p.
tPmbn Xm\-th-en-bpsS tIcfm tv {Sj-dm m\-t-bvp hchv sI. kn. tPm tIc-f-n-tev hcpp F-Xns {]Jym-]-\-ambn ImWp--hcpapv. tIcfm tn {]kn-Uv m\-tv FXn-cmfn hcp-hm km[yX Cm--Xn-\m sI. kn. tXmakv m\-ap-d-n-p-shp ]d-bmw. sshkv {]kn-Uv m\-tv cmPp ]qh-m-embvsXnsc tPmv Ds\ Hcp ]m\ {]Jym-]n-s-nepw Atlw ac cwK-p-m-Ip-hm km[yX Ipd-hm-sWv tIġp-p. Cu \-tbvv cmPp ]qh-m-em-bpsS km[y-X-bmWv apn.
sk{I-dn m\-tmWv Cpdn Ghpw ISp akcw Ac-t-dpXv. Ign XhW \njv]\mbn \n sI. Fw. tPmk^v adp-]w tNXv ^nenv ]n. tXma-kn\v tZmjw sNp-tam-sbv I-dn-b-Ww. {]h-N-\m-Xo-X-amb akcw Fp hnti-jn-n-m-hp \ne-bn BWv Cu ak-cw. Fw. ]n. tPmpIpnsb A`n-{]mb kt-bn P\w ]np-WXv hcp sXc-s-Sp-nepw Bhn-p-sav {]Xo-n-p--h [mcm-fw. Fm acw apdp-Ip-tm Ifw F-s\-bm-Ip-sav Imn-cn-p-I-bmWv Fm-h-cpw.
tPmbnv sk{I-dn m\-tv jn_p s\Sp-th-enbpw hokv am-bnbpw Gp app-tm \ne-hn-ep tPmbnv sk{I--dnbpw ktU-kvIq Ub-d-IvSdpw Xn-ep a-c-amWv \S-p-hm t]mIp--Xv. hnizm-kn-I-fn \np tPmbnv sk{I-dn m\-tv hokv ac-n-\m Hcp ]-ns m\mnXzw Dd-np Ign-p. adp-h-iv kn apf-aq-nepw cwK-p-v. A`n-{]mb kt {]Imcw kn apf-aq-n-en\p km[y-X-bp--tm F. sI. tdmbn, AUz. jmw Ipcp-hnf Fn-h IqSn cwK-s-n-bm `nn-p thmp-I hokv ac-n-\m-ens Pbw Dd-mpw F-Xn\p kwi-b-an-. {Sj-dm m\-tv Ipcy tPmk-^v a-cn-p-n-m-sb {]N-cWw icn-bm-sW-n kn-ap-f-aq-nepw tPmbn Xm\-th-enbpw Xn i-amb acw Dd-v. CXv sF. ]n. knbmWv Fmw {]h-N-\m-Xo-Xw. tNcn-am-hpw Imep-am-hpw ]Xn-hmb ChnsS Fp kw`-hn-p-sav Dd-p- ]-d-bp-hm Hcp \nco--I\pw Ctm km[y-a-. Imn-cnmw sk]vw-_-dn-\m-bn.
BROTHER ROY: The Bible says " The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it" Jer 17:9. The
best Psychologist in the world can't read the mind of a person even
50%. Human selfishness is projected in different manners; some are
too crazy to have more wealth to display their ego, and in the
religious world, leadership is another game plan. If we ask the
leaders, to how many new people they have shared the gospel in one
year, the answer might be quite surprising. The leaders get high
and central seat in meetings-conventions-marriages etc, so it is quite
a natural human tendency to do anything and everything possible to
grab the top position in their denominations. Nobody is worrying about their denominations but their own future. Every denomination
needs proper leadership, but now that place is captured through money
and politics, some times through the court system, which is terribly