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Pastor K.T.Varghese. Finished the race and with Christ
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 19, 2012
Views: 23707

Pastor K.T.Varghese. Finished the race and with Christ.
I-t-cn ]tc-X-\mb sI. Pn. tXma-n-sbpw adn-bm--bp-sSbpw aI-\mbn 28031937 P\n-p. sNdp- {]m-b-n Xs cn--sv, kv\m\-sv, ssZhIr]-bn \ne-\n-p. hnZym-`ym-km-\-cw _olm, ay-{]-tZiv Fo kwm-\--fn tPmen-bn Bbn-cp-p. Su & I{Sn m\nwKv sU]yqn Ub-d-IvS (M.P) Bbn 1996 dn-b sNbvXv sF. ]n. kn. Fenw k`-bpsS AwKXzw kzoI-cnv Ip-\mv nc-Xm-a-k-am-n. HutZym-KnI Pohn-X-nse 31 hj-ġn-S-bn D-tc-y-bnse kphn-tij {]h-\-ġv hnhn[ \ne-I-fn t\XrXzw \In. sF. ]n. kn. slt{_m t`mm, sF. ]n. kn. kml Fo k`-Iġv Cp tImSn-I hne-a-Xn-p ew Khsan \npw Atemv sNn-v, k`m-lm, ]mgvk-t\-Pv, skan-tcn Fnh m]n-p--Xn\v t\XrXzw \In. Ip-\mv slt{_m ]pcv Lw L-ambn ]Wn Ign-n-p-sIm-n-cn-p sF. ]n. kn. C\m-j-W _nUnw-Kns Ikv{S- sk{I--dn, sF. ]n. kn. lq̬ slt{_m k`-bpsS Nmcnn tIm HmUn-t\- Fo \ne-I-fn {]hn-n-p-v. IqSmsX sF. ]n. kn. P\-d Iukn sa-dmbn Hcp hymg-h--m-e-n-e-[n-I-ambn hnhn[ I-n-I-fpsS t\XrXz m\--fn anI {]h-\- ImgvN-sh-p. Cu Ign At\I hj--fmbn sF. ]n. kn. P\-d Ihjs ] Iho-\-dmbn {]hn-n-p-v. F kphn-tij kwL-S-\-bpsS m]I sNbam-\mbn CXx]cyw {]hn-p. Ip-\mSv sk I-n-bpsS tPm. sk{I--dn, sk In sa, sF. ]n. kn. Fenw k`-bpsS sshkv {]kn-Uv Fn-s\ hnhn[ \ne-I-fn kvXpXyl-amb tkh\w A\p-jvTn-n-p-v. 2012 P\p-hcn10, sNmmgvN sshInv 6:10 \v Xm {]nbw hv Ir-k-n-[n-bn tN-s-p. Xs Pohn-X-ns Ah-km\ hmp-I-fm-bn-cpp tbip hnfn-p-p.......-tbip hnfn-p-p......-tbip hnfn-p-p...... ]ns Xms\m-pw kwkm-cn-n-.

`mcy: Bn-en-m\w sImn ]qh-m-em-bn ]n. Fw. tPm Gen-bm Z-Xn-I-fpsS aIfpw, ]m ]n. sP. amXyp, tPm Ipcy (^vtfm-dn-U), ]n. sP. D (apw-ss_), Ch. tPm tXmakv (lq-̬) tP_v tPm (]-m-_v), ]m tdmbn ]qh-m-e, AnWn kvIdn-b, kqk tImin Fn-h-cpsS ktlm-Z-cn-bp-amb tacn-p-n.


Displaying 3 Comments
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trc (January 31, 2012)
The headline says Pastor. K.T.Varghese. Even though he was not a pastor he lived a life Christ wanted every believer to live. We wish all the so called pastors in the present age live the way some believers like him live.

shony karuvatta (January 23, 2012)
His name is K.T.Varghese
tom (January 22, 2012)
What is his name? No where in this news his name mentioned
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